Experience Matters
Toll Free: (855) 255-5353
Experience Matters
Toll Free: (855) 255-5353
We provide Expert Witness Services, expert opinions and testimony in disputes, arbitration and litigation.
We perform Risk Management Compilations; Reviews; Audits; Complete Outsourcing; and Special Projects.
We provide assistance with Market Research; Product Development; Acquisition Advice and Due Diligence Projects; and Industry and Market Review, Analysis and Evaluation.
Risk Consulting and Expert Services is an experienced consulting firm providing services and counsel to commerce, industry and government on insurance, risk management and reinsurance matters. Industry expert David Stegall has over 35 years.
He has worked as an underwriter, a retail agent, a wholesale broker, a reinsurance intermediary, a consultant and as an expert witness. Our risk management consulting services are provided on a fee basis only. No commissions or contingencies are accepted.
David L. Stegall
Principal Consultant